6 Reasons to Take a First Date to the Bowling Alley

You might think that a bowling alley isn’t the ideal setting for impressing a first date, in comparison to a nice dinner and a movie, but there are a number of reasons that it is a great destination. It is a good idea to choose an alley where the bowling alley equipment is reasonably new, so that you won’t come across looking like a cheapskate. Hopefully, the local bowling alley design is one that is fairly modern and which includes a variety of features and foods to make your evening a more enjoyable one. Read the following reasons why you should make your first date a casual one at the bowling alley and see if you agree:

  1. Everything is there that you need – most bowling alleys have at least got good pizza and beer, and many of the modern ones have an even broader menu from which to dine. You might find that you have the option to order cocktails before dining on an elegant meal!
  2. Find out if your date has a competitive side – some people enjoy competing at any level or type of competition, while others go a little overboard. It will tell you a lot about the person you are with, how well they respond to losing or winning.
  3. It puts you in a more comfortable atmosphere – no place on earth is more relaxing than a bowling alley. Compared to the nerves that can hit when you are sitting across a formal table from someone for the first time, it will be a lot less stressful.
  4. It has an old-fashioned appeal – there was a time when going to the bowling alley for your first date was not an unusual idea. Go back in time to an era where a first date was a really big deal, and make an impression.
  5. It gives you an opportunity to interact – unlike going to a movie or a concert, you won’t just be sitting quietly while you listen to someone else. Bowling will put you into a situation where you have to communicate with each other and see how well you “click.”
  6. It doesn’t cost a lot – even the most expensive bowling alleys aren’t going to cost as much as a meal for two in a good restaurant and a movie. If you are dating on a budget, the cost of bowling should be right up your alley! To learn more about the bowling alley cost for new bowling alley equipment, or for installing bowling lanes in your home, call Murrey Bowling at 310-532-6091.

Services That We Offer

  • Constructing New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Manufacture Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Modernize Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Consulting for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Planning Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Design Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Architects for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Management for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Build Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Building New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Constructing Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Refurbishing Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Start Up of Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Relocate Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Open a New Bowling Alley
  • Buy Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Sell Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Moving Bowling Alley Lanes