New Bowling Center Construction

MURREY Builds The World’s Best Bowling Centers
Next time you’re in the Los Angeles area, stop in and see the all new 50,000 square foot latest “X – Lanes” location featuring 24 New Murrey Regulation Bowling Lanes with Energy Efficient MGM-5000™ Murrey Pinsetter machines, Lane Luminator™ LED Murrey LaneFX™ “Earth Friendly” lighting, Murrey Rock&Wow™ Video and sound systems and much more!

Murrey Bowling Equipment is the ONLY choice for truly UPSCALE New Bowling Centers like QUARTERS BOUTIQUE BOWLING CENTER Murrey Crews recently installed in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area.

New 36 Lane Murrey Installation Tokyo, Japan – Completed in 60 Days

Our synthetic lanes never need sanding and coating with dangerous high VOC varnish and lane coatings required for wooden lanes.

Murrey MGM-5000 New Pinsetters are Earth Friendly saving up to 45% of the electricity used by older pinsetting machines.

Once the lanes are installed, the computer scoring system, ball return units, bowlers seating, ball rack combo tables, and LCD scoring monitors are installed to complete the process.

Action Lanes – El Monte, California – 32 Lanes

United States Air Force Base – Yokota, Japan – 26 Lanes

Viejas Casino Bowl – San Diego, CA – 12 Lanes

Red Pin Bowling Lounge – Oklahoma City, OK – 12 Lanes

CK Bowl – Tokyo, Japan – 36 Lanes