What Is Your Bowling Style?

Whether you have been bowling professionally for years, or you limit your activity on the lanes to the use of an in-home bowling alley, you probably have your own bowling style. There are many different styles that bowlers can adapt, often varying enough to make it difficult to categorize them. Some of the most common ones are:

  • The Power Stroker – This bowling style is smooth, consistent, and effortless in the delivery. A high backswing or open shoulders help the Power Stroker create ball speed that makes the ball revolve as it goes down the lane. Their timing is impeccable and, combined with the extra power, they have a lot better chance of knocking down the pins. The most limiting factor for this type of bowler is finding the consistency to repeatedly deliver great results.
  • The Stroker – The Stroker is a bowler who has a smooth delivery but also, unlike the Power Stroker, relies on accuracy and consistency for results. Many of the most popular bowlers fall into this style category. While this style of bowler might let their backswing reach parallel to the ground, they typically go no higher. They also put fewer revolutions into the ball, leading to greater consistency and accuracy.
  • The Cranker – This bowling style is recognizable for the high revolutions and powerful release exhibited by the bowler. They typically use a high backswing and open shoulders to create power. There are also a number of crankers who use a low backswing with a cupped wrist and open during the backswing to create the revolutions needed to make the pins explode.
  • The Spinner – Spinners spin the bowling ball around a vertical axis so that only a very small surface area touches the lane. This creates minimum friction between the ball and the lane, allowing the ball to travel straight down the lane. When the ball hits the head pin, the spin kicks in and the ball moves down the outer side of the pin rack, causing those pins to hit the other pins.
  • The Tweener – The Tweener style of bowling incorporates the cranking and stroking elements of other styles, creating a hybrid that often includes a higher backswing than the Stroker, but a weaker wrist position than the Cranker.

While your bowling style may not fall into either of these categories, now you can look at your style and that of your friends with a more critical eye. To learn more about installing a residential bowling alley in your home where you can develop your bowling style, call Murrey Bowling at 310-532-6091.

Services That We Offer

  • Constructing New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Manufacture Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Modernize Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Consulting for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Planning Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Design Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Architects for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Management for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Build Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Building New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Constructing Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Refurbishing Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Start Up of Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Relocate Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Open a New Bowling Alley
  • Buy Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Sell Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Moving Bowling Alley Lanes