Is an In Home Bowling Alley a Good Choice for You?

Installing an in home bowling alley is a no-brainer for a pro who doesn’t want to spend all of his time at the local bowling alley practicing his sport. But what if you just enjoy playing as an amateur, and you don’t have the time you wish you did to devote to bowling? While the need for approximately 88’ x 12’ x 10’ of extra space might seem like the requirement for a whole new wing to your house, consider the ease with which you could put in a basement bowling alley in the space you already have.

When you have an in home bowling alley installed, you will get two lanes with the bowling pins and accessories needed to start enjoying one of the country’s favorite pastimes without the need to leave the house. Not only will it provide a source of entertainment that the entire family will enjoy, but it is also a good source of exercise, relaxation, and stress-reduction.

If you haven’t been bowling for a while, take a look at our current projects and see the transformation that bowling has taken along the way. It is possible to create a bowling alley that fits your home’s space and style to make it inviting and fresh for your enjoyment. Depending on the size and design of your home, an upstairs bowling alley might be as possible and practical as any way you have ever thought of updating your home. Call us to learn more about an in home or basement bowling alley for your home at 310-532-6091

Services That We Offer

  • Constructing New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Manufacture Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Modernize Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Consulting for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Planning Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Design Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Architects for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Management for Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Build Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Building New Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Constructing Home Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Refurbishing Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Start Up of Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Relocate Bowling Alley Lanes
  • Open a New Bowling Alley
  • Buy Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Sell Bowling Alley Equipment
  • Moving Bowling Alley Lanes