Articles from Month: October 2014

Is a Bowling Alley Franchise a Good Choice for Me?

What Is a Bowling Alley Franchise? A franchise is an established business that allows you to buy into its system. Many people prefer to start a business as a franchise because it already has a proven business model and there are fewer decisions...

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Time Investment of Owning a Bowling Business

If you have been considering investing in a bowling business, you aren’t alone! Bowling continues to be a favorite activity for Americans of all ages, making it one of the most popular forms of recreation in the country. One thing that concerns...

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How Bowling Is Helping Youths

Helping youths take their lives in a more positive direction may not be at the heart of the decision for building a bowling alley, but many existing bowling alleys across the country are finding ways to have a positive impact on the lives of...

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How Bowling Equipment Has Influenced the World of Fashion

Whether you own your own pair of bowling shoes, or you rely on the bowling equipment at the local bowling alley to accommodate all your needs, you probably never thought of bowling shoes as a fashion staple. Even so, the sport that Americans have...

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The Evolution of Bowling Pinsetters

Originally, a pinsetter was the person who set the bowling pins in the correct position, reset the pins after a person had struck them with the bowling ball, and returned the bowling ball to the player. Whereas teens often make an income working at...

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How to Make Your Bowling Alley Business Successful

Running a bowling alley business is like many other types of businesses, with regards to making it successful. If you give people what they want, they will want to do business with you, time and time again. It isn’t just about the bowling alley...

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How to Throw a Bowling Alley Bachelor Party

Why throw a bachelor party at the local bowling alley? Because it’s a lot of fun! The idea for a bachelor party is to get the groom-to-be together with his best pals and enjoy being a bachelor one more time. Depending on the specific bowling alley...

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How to Bowl Your Best Game Ever

It may not be the beginning of a perfect game, but taking a few steps in the right direction could lead to your best game ever. Part of the strategy will include choosing the right bowling equipment, but a lot of your success will depend on your...

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